The catalogue and book "Samoa 1904"
published for the exhibition on April 18th 2004.
It contains all photos of the exhibition. Size: 24 x 23 cm:
All photos are 4c (colour) to get an impression of the original prints from 1902-1905
The catalogue is in German. A translation is available in print and for download
Text of the catalogue and in the exhibiton in English for download as pdf here
Author/Editor: Christiane Niggemann, Bochum
Publisher: Arkana-Verlag, Göttingen
Total size 72 pages, with 62 pages of images
With an introduction foreword by Dr. Hans Günter Golinski, Director Museum Bochum
Price: 15 € plus shipping (for EU-customers including VAT)
To order: by email or through bookstores.